
今天我们要讲的这个说法是一个英语成语,完整的形式是:put someone’s foot in someone’s mouth (两个someone指同一个人)。

这句成语的意思是:Say something foolish, embarrassing, or tactless that you regret. 简单地翻译就是“说错话”。


I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister. 我说错话了——我问她Jane是不是她妈妈,结果她说那是她姐姐。(这个场景可以想象多尴尬了)

Oh man, did I ever put my foot in my mouth—I just congratulated Sarah’s sister on being pregnant. She isn’t. 天呐,我刚才是不是说错话了?——我刚刚祝贺Sarah的姐姐怀孕,结果人家根本没怀孕。(估计Sarah立即回去跑步减肥去了……)

如果一个人总是这样说错话,就可以称他们是They have foot-in-mouth disease. 注意写法是foot-in-mouth disease. 如果是foot-and-mouth disease就是动物的口蹄疫疾病了。

知道了put someone’s foot in someone’s mouth这个成语后,如果再看到其他变体你就不难理解了。


Every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. 每次他一张嘴,肯定说错话。

这个成语的来源没有固定的说法,有一种说法认为这种说法就是来自于foot-and-mouth disease(口蹄疫)的,取了口蹄疫的症状(嘴里和蹄子都会烂掉)的意思。对此佛老还不敢肯定。读者中如有高手了解这个成语的来源,请不吝赐教。

你记住了吗?今天我们学的这个成语put one’s foot in one’s mouth就是说错话的意思,就是say the wrong things at the wrong time.