第719期:英语里的鹰派和鸽派 hawk and dove


鹰派 – hawk 名词;hawkish 形容词

鸽派 – dove 名词; dovish 形容词


鸽子容易理解,来自圣经旧约《创世纪》中诺亚方舟(Noah’s Ark)的故事:

Old Testament Book of Genesis in the story of Noah’s Ark, “And the dove
came in to him at eventide; and, lo, in her mouth an olive-leaf plucked
off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.”
Genesis 8:11(创世纪8章11节)


鹰由于飞得高,在西方文化中向来象征着更高的视野和能力,a higher vision, a bigger picture view.

The hawk symbolizes the ability to use intuition and higher vision in order to complete tasks or make important decisions.


the Hawk is a symbol of power, dominance and control much like the firm grip of its claws.

现代英语把 hawk 跟好战联系起来的用法是1798年美国第三任总统,独立宣言起草人Thomas Jefferson先生发明的。他在一封信中第一次使用了 war hawk 这个说法,意思是one who is eager for the fray,指那些好战的人。

War hawk这个新词被牛津字典收录,这就是英语中用 hawk 来象征好战意思的由来。

到了1962年古巴导弹危机(the Cuban missile crisis)的时候,hawk 和 dove 这两个词才开始被美国媒体大规模使用,表示“主战派“和”和平派“。

1962年,美国Saturday Evening Post报纸上首次出现了这样的用法:

The hawks favored an air strike to eliminate the Cuban
missile bases…
The doves opposed the air strikes and favored a

除了表示军事上的“主战”和“主和”,hawk 和 dove 这两个形象也广泛用于商业界。在美国媒体上,尤其常用于描写美联储的加息和降息的货币政策。

简单地说,hawkish 表示中央银行推行激进的货币政策,表现为加息;

Hawkish monetary policies aim at slowing down economic growth and
preventing excessive inflation by raising various interest rates.

Dovish 表示中央银行推行缓和的货币政策,表现为降息。

Loose and more accommodating monetary policies are described, symbolically, as ‘Dovish’.
