第757期:Don’t catch a cold, and don’t catch the sun.

今天很多公司第一天复工,由于办公室空调不开,很多同事互相提醒:可别感冒啊!Don’t catch a cold.

我听到一个同事跟我这样说时,心里一暖,同时想到一个好玩的英语说法:Catch the sun.


Catch the sun是一句英国英语,意思是皮肤被太阳灼伤或晒坏,to get red painful skin because of being in the sun for too long.

如果你在太阳下太久,尤其夏天,皮肤就可能被晒伤,变得很红,而且会隐隐作痛,这时候你就 caught the sun了。

被太阳晒伤跟西方人专门去晒太阳把皮肤晒黑是不一样的,后者的效果叫 sun tanned.


这个过程叫 sun tanning或者 tanning. 晒出那种颜色的皮肤叫 suntanned skin. (见下图)

晒成这样是恰到好处,但如果晒得过度了,就是sunburned. 美国人说的 sunburned就是英国人说的 catch the sun.


Suntanned – having pleasantly brown skin caused by being in hot sun.

Sunburned – Sunburned skin has become red and sore by being in the strong heat of the sun for too long, or is very suntanned.



防晒霜的规格一般以SPF(Sun Protection Factor)分类,根据对紫外线的阻挡能力,一般分为:

  • SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
  • SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
  • SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays

*SPF汉语译作“防晒系数”。防晒霜的功能是阻挡UVA, UVB两种紫外线。

防晒霜的英文叫 sunscreen,或 sun balm.

今天杂乱的内容其实重点是suntanned 和 sunburned的区别,在英国英语中 catch the sun就是get sunburned的意思。