第790期:你有“科技颈” tech neck吗?肯定有


你有 tech neck (科技颈)吗?我敢肯定你一定有。

什么是 tech neck?

If you own a smartphone (chances are you do) it’s likely that you’ve experienced tech neck.

如果你每天长时间低头看电脑,或者长时间捧着手机看,由于一直低着头,造成肩颈部位僵硬、疼痛等症状,这就叫 tech neck.

由于这种病主要是电脑和手机普及后出现的,也有人把 tech neck叫做 the E-epidemic (网络时代流行病)。


Americans spent a daily average of 5 hours and 53 minutes with digital
media, including 3 hours, 17 minutes a day on non-voice activities on
mobile devices.


Heads are heavy. The neck, a
relatively fragile area, is perfectly designed to structurally support
the head and hold it upright, but when we spend
long periods of time holding the head at a 45-degree angle it places an incredible amount of stress on the area.(https://neckhammock.com)

Tech neck主要有下面这些症状:

Headaches 头疼

stiff necks 脖子僵硬

neck spasms 颈部肌肉痉挛

pain between your shoulder blades 肩胛骨之间疼痛


“At just 45 degrees, your neck muscles are doing the work of lifting a 50 lb. bag of potatoes.”

— Dr. K. Daniel Riew(美国哥伦比亚大学著名的骨科医生)


对大多数人而言,一些微小的调整和改变就能缓解这种tech neck。下面几点仅供参考。

  • Keep Good Posture
  • take more breaks and stretch
  • Keep Your Computer Monitor at Eye Level
  • Sit in a Chair With a Headrest

根据佛老的经验,推荐一个每个人都适合的瑜伽小动作,可以有效缓解你的 tech neck 症状。

这个动作叫 upward facing dog.

今天这篇小文,希望引起大家对 tech neck的重视。尤其对那些因疫情而开始了长期 home office的读者,更要注意。


Elle杂志:5 Easy Exercises to Remedy “Tech Neck”