第1614期:Why do we say “Good morning”?

Why do we say Good morning

Even on a morning that’s not so good?

Why do we say Good morning

To a person we don’t even know?


Good morning是个缩略的说法,完整的意思是 I wish you a good morning.

在古英语中写作 gōdne morgen,到了中世纪英语,拼写变成了 gud mornynge,所以我说英文和德文最像,相似度远大于英文跟法文。

其实Good morning还有一种很老的变体写法:Good morrow.



We say Good morning

With noble wishes

Because we believe every day

Deserves a great beginning

We say Good morning

To everyone we meet

Because we hope everybody

Can find his luck and peace

Along the way

今天,我用几句不算诗的诗自问自答了一个小问题:我们为什么要说“早上好”?写完这些文字,天光已大亮了,看起来像一个very good morning.


1993年1月20日,新当选的美国总统比尔·克林顿在就职仪式上邀请了美国当代著名诗人Maya Angelou朗诵了一首她的诗 On The Pulse of Morning. 我第一次读到这首诗时像被电击一样,后来第一次在视频中看诗人在现场的朗诵,愈发震动。

History, despite its wrenching pain

Cannot be unlived, but if faced

With courage, need not be lived again.

Lift up your eyes upon

This day breaking for you.

Give birth again

To the dream.


Today, on the last morning of the Year of the Tiger, let me say to you: Good morning. Good morrow. Good luck.



Maya Angelou reads ‘On The Pulse of Morning’ on Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993.
