
秘鲁有个诗人叫 Cesar Vallejo,写过一首小诗“I will die in Paris”,诗的前几句是这样的:

I will die in Paris under a downpour

One day of which I already have a memory.

I will die in Paris, and I will not run away.

Maybe on a Thursday, like it is today, in the fall.



  • Desmond Tutu (Oct 7, 1931 – Dec 26, 2021), South African Anglican bishop and theologian, human rixhts hero.


Reuters – Desmond Tutu, South Africa’s ‘moral compass’, dies at 90

CNN – Desmond Tutu, anti-apartheid leader and voice of justice, dead at 90





1994年,被曼德拉任命主持真相与和解委员会(the Truth and Reconciliation Commission),负责开展调查种族隔离时代的践踏人拳历史。


As Tutu rose to prominence in the 1970s, white conservatives who supported apartheid despised him, while many white liberals regarded him as too radical; many black radicals accused him of being too moderate and focused on cultivating white goodwill, while Marxist–Leninists criticised his anti-communist stance. He was popular among South Africa’s black majority and was internationally praised for his anti-apartheid activism, receiving a range of awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize. – Wikipedia: Desmond_Tutu


  • No Future Without Forgiveness (Goodreads rating 4.2)
  • The Book of Forgiving (Goodreads rating 4.04)


  • Jonathan Dermot Spence (Aug 11, 1936 – Dec 25, 2021), 美国汉学家,中国历史学家,耶鲁大学历史教授,中文名叫史景迁。这个名字是他当年的博士生导师房兆楹给他起的,寓意是研究中国历史的人景仰司马迁。


《康熙與曹寅:一個皇室寵臣的生涯揭秘》(Ts’ao Yin and the K’ang-hsi Emperor: Bondservant and Master)(1966)

《改變中國:在中國的西方顧問》(To Change China: Western Advisers in China, 1620–1960)(1969)

《中國皇帝:康熙自畫像》(Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K’ang-Hsi )(1974)

《婦人王氏之死:大歷史背後的小人物命運》(The Death of Woman Wang)(1978)

《利瑪竇的記憶宮殿》(The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci)(1984)

《胡若望的疑問》(The Question of Hu)(1987)

《追尋現代中國》(The Search for Modern China)(1990)[註 1]

《中國縱橫:一個漢學家的學術探索之旅》(Chinese Roundabout: Essays on History and Culture)(1992)

《上帝的中國之子:洪秀全的太平天國》(God’s Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan)(1996)

《大汗之國:西方眼中的中國》(The Chan’s Great Continent: China in Western Minds)(1998)

《皇帝與秀才:皇權遊戲中的文人悲劇》/《雍正王朝之大義覺迷》(Treason by the Book)(2001)

《前朝夢憶:張岱的浮華與蒼涼》(Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man)(2007)
