第519期:What’s done is done

今天我们来讲一个简单的英语成语:what’s done is done. 意思类似汉语里的木已成舟、覆水难收,事情已经过去了,没办法了。



What’s done is done, no matter how hard you wish or how much you think about it.



It usually means something along the line of: the consequence of a situation (which was once within your control), is now out of your control, that is, “there’s no changing the past, so learn from it and move on.


这个说法最早是法语的一句谚语(Mez quant ja est la chose fecte, ne peut pas bien estre desfecte),翻译成英语是:But when a thing is already done, it cannot be undone.




“Things without all remedy should be without regard: what’s done, is done.

Give me your hand. What’s done cannot be undone. – To bed, to bed, to bed!”






所以这个成语还有一种变体说法:what’s done cannot be undone. 意思一样。




最后我们来欣赏一首歌的歌词,名字就叫What’s done is done.

原唱是美国作词作曲家、歌手Jack White. 歌词讽刺了美国枪支管理法的荒谬,很批判现实主义。

What’s done is done

I just can’t fight it no more

So, I’m walking downtown to the store

And I’m buying a gun

This just ain’t no fun

My life has become a bore

Pacin’ back and forth on the floor

Thinking of someone

Why do I feel that nothing is real

And nobody is there to hear?

Something goes wrong and I can’t hear the song

That you used to sing in my ear

What’s done is done

I just can’t fight it no more

So, I’m walking downtown to the store

And I’m buying a gun


Why do I feel that nothing is real

And nobody is there to hear?

Something goes wrong and I can’t hear the song

That you used to sing in my ear

What’s done is done

I just can’t fight it no more

So, I’m walking downtown to the store

And I’m buying a gun

Either you go or I go

And it won’t be me