第1742期:走出伊甸园 10 年之后

2013年初,51岁的美国人保罗·萨洛佩科(Paul Salopek)开始了一项徒步计划,他计划用七年时间沿人类始祖出非洲的路线徒步,从非洲开始,穿过中东、中亚、南亚、东南亚、中国,到西伯利亚,跨白令海峡,穿行北美、南美洲,最后到达火地岛。

他把这个环球徒步计划称为“Out of Eden Walk”(走出伊甸园)。

Paul Salopek获得过两届普利策奖,现为大西洋月刊(The Atlantic)、国家地理杂志(National Geographic Magazine)、外交政策杂志(Foreign Policy)等知名刊物撰稿。



Writer Paul Salopek started a global journey 10 years ago. Where is he now?


据他的Twitter记录,前天(Aug 8, 2023),他在山西。


Whirlwinds of dust, I cannot write. The frontier pass is unguarded. It is dangerous to travel. Ten years wandering, sick at heart. I perch here like a bird on a Twig, thankful for a moment’s peace. – Du Fu, 8th century With walking partner Becky Lin in #Shanxi, #China. #EdenWalk


Twitter: @PaulSalopek

Instagram: @outofedenwalk




This is my job, I’m not doing this for an adventure or to explore new landscapes or see new destinations. What’s more interesting to me are people. So I have a hard time answering the question: what’s your favourite place? I don’t have one. I have favourite people. What motivates my work is the inner map of what it is to be human. What makes us amazingly diverse but also very much alike at the same time. – Paul Salopek