第265期:pomodoro technique 番茄工作法

今天我们要学的这个词跟工作有关。The pomodoro technique就是著名的“番茄工作法”。

为什么叫pomodoro?因为pomodoro就是意大利语里的tomato. 为什么选用意大利语词?因为这个工作法的发明人Francesco Cirillo就读于罗马的Guido Carli International University(国际社会科学自由大学)。



  1. Choose a task to be accomplished. 确定一项要完成的工作
  2. Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer) 把定时器定25分钟后闹铃
  3. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then put a check on your sheet of paper 专心做工作,闹铃响时停下来
  4. Take a short break (5 minutes is OK) 休息五分钟
  5. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break 每四个小节长时间休息一次(每个25分钟称为一个番茄“one pomodoro”)

*这就是番茄工作法的发明人Francesco Cirillo. 图片引自https://francescocirillo.com官网



The Best Pomodoro Timer Apps

Focus Booster (Web, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) for freelancers who work with multiple clients

PomoDoneApp (Web, Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android) for using Pomodoro with a third-party task management app

KanbanFlow (Web) for combining Kanban and Pomodoro

Pomotodo (Web, Windows, macOS, Chrome, iOS, Android) for combining GTD and Pomodoro

Marinara Timer (Web) for teams looking to complete pomodoros together

Be Focused (macOS, iOS) for simple task and time management on Apple devices

Tomatoes (Web) for motivating you to complete pomodoros

Engross (Android) for figuring out when you’re the most focused

Pomodoro.cc (Web) for people who are new to the Pomodoro Technique

Timerdoro (Web) for people who need multiple timers

