第1016期:So Biden won. What next? – 拜登和川普接下来的73天

So Biden has trumped Trump to become the president-elect of the US. What next?


总统大选胜出者称为 president-elect,从这个结果公布到明年1月20日新旧总统白宫交接,这段时间在英语中有个专门的词:interregnum(空位期)。

其实翻译成空位期不太准确,因为新总统尚未宣誓就职(inaugurate)。美国总统就职典礼时要向美国宪法和圣经宣誓,所以又叫 swear in. 到明年1月20号我们再详细讲。


现任总统一般有两种说法:the sitting president; the incumbent president

President-elect一经公布,现任总统就多了两个外号:outgoing president; lame duck.


Outgoing president好理解,就是要准备交接工作后搬离白宫了。

Lame duck 有点损,但也是现实。形容现任总统尽管还在位,但还剩下七十多天,很多事情就都做不了了,常被媒体戏称为跛脚鸭。

如果 president-elect 在来年1月20日就职之前因任何原因无法胜任(“fails to qualify”),或者死亡,美国宪法第20修正案规定,由副总统接任代总统(acting president),直到选出合适的总统。


Presidential transition是美国运行了两百多年的政治制度,早就成熟得不需要我们瞎操心了。

1963年,国会通过了总统交接法案(Presidential Transition Act ),后经过1998年和2000年两次修订,这个交接过程非常程式化,制度化。



An interregnum (plural interregna or interregnums) is a period of discontinuity or “gap” in a government, organization, or social order.

*from Latin inter-, “between” and rēgnum, “reign” [from rex, rēgis, “king”]

the term has been applied to the period of time between the election of a new President of the United States and his or her inauguration, during which the outgoing president remains in power, but as a lame duck.