第299期:cut corners

今天我们要学的这个词也可以算一个成语,或者习惯用语:cut corners 偷工减料。


To cut corners is to do something in the quickest, cheapest, or
easiest way, using less effort, money, time, or resources than
necessary so that the end result is low quality or perhaps, illegal. (idioms.online)


朗文字典的解释也不错:to do something in a way that saves time, effort, or money, but that also results in it not being done properly.

意思很清楚了,cut corner的主要意思就是汉语中的“偷工减料”。


The auditor accused the airline of cutting corners on safety. 稽核员(审计人员)说这家航空公司在安全方面偷工减料。(在安全方面不达标)

Cut corners这种说法最初的意思其实是“抄近道、走捷径“的意思,类似take a shortcut, 字面意思是“切过拐角处”,想象一下你走到一个街道拐角处,如果沿着路绕过拐角走叫walk around the corner,但如果你不绕过,而是斜插过去,这样比绕过拐角快,这就是cut corners的字面意思。
