第1389期:Good education vs bad education

今天这篇文章不是我的原创,是昨天在Life Hack网站上看到的一组信息。我觉得总结得很好,跟你分享一下。

Good education – Teaches you how to learn

Bad education – Tells you what to learn

Good education – Teaches you both soft skills and hard skills

Bad education – Only focuses on hard skills which are easier to be taught

Good education – Makes you love learning

Bad education – Makes you fear learning

Good education – Encourages all-round development

Bad education – Only focuses on academic performance

Good education – Makes you make your own decisions

Bad education – Forces you to follow plans given

Good education – Helps you develop critical thinking

Bad education – Forbids you to challenge authority

Good education – Encourages you to form your own opinions

Bad education – Only allows standard answers and perspective

Good education – Helps individuals discover your talents

Bad education – Makes you feel worthless


其实把上面的 education 替换成家庭、环境、制度、社会、老师、朋友、学校、书籍,也都成立——同样的道理和逻辑。



Don’t let schooling interfere with your education. – Mark Twain

我把我个人对good education和bad education 的看法浓缩为一句话:
