Online Course 2: Justice


By professor Michael Sandel, American political philosopher at Harvard University.

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Lecture 1: Doing the Right Thing

Lecture 2: The Lifeboat Case

Lecture 3: Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham

Lecture 4: Utilitarianism: J.S. Mill

Lecture 5: Libertarianism: Free Market Philosophy

Lecture 6: Libertarianism: Do We Own Ourselves?

Lecture 7: John Locke: Property Rights

Lecture 8: John Locke: Individual Rights and Majority Rule

Lecture 9: Markets and Morals: Military Service

Lecture 10: Markets and Morals: Surrogate Motherhood

Lecture 11: Immanuel Kant: What is Freedom?

Lecture 12: Immanuel Kant: The Supreme Principle of Morality

Lecture 13: Immanuel Kant: A Lesson in Lying

Lecture 14: The Morality of Consent

Lecture 15: John Rawls: The Case for Equality

Lecture 16: Distributive Justice: Who Deserves What?

Lecture 17: Arguing Affirmative Action

Lecture 18: Aristotle: Justice and Virtue

Lecture 19: Aristotle: The Good Citizen

Lecture 20: Aristotle: Freedom vs. Fit

Lecture 21: Justice, Community, and Membership

Lecture 22: Dilemmas of Loyalty

Lecture 23: Debating Same Sex-Marriage

Lecture 24: Conclusion: Justice and the Good Life
