

首先理清一个法律概念:正当防卫这种说法是大陆法系(Civil Law)的刑法概念,在英美法系(Common Law)中没有这个说法。以美国法律为例,只有right of self-defense(自我防卫权)。

The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person)
is the right for people to use
reasonable force or defensive force, for
the purpose of defending one’s own life or the lives of others,
including, in certain circumstances, the use of deadly force. (Wikipedia)

前几天国内网络上很多人在说“无限防卫“,这个概念也很模糊,语焉不详。在英美法系中有一个“不退让法”(stand your
ground laws),接近国内网友说的那个无限防卫权。


The law allows those who feel a reasonable threat of death or bodily injury to “meet force with force” rather than retreat.

简单地说,这条法律的意义是:当受害人感到自己或家人的生命安全遭受了即刻的威胁时,他可以逃跑,也可以”以暴制暴“进行反抗。具体怎么选择,要依据当时的形势进行合理的判断。也就是说,人们有自我防卫的权利,但没有义务退让或者撤退(no duty to “retreat”)

No duty to retreat law也叫Stand-Your-Ground law.

A stand-your-ground law establishes a right by which a person may defend themselves or others against threats or perceived threats,
even to the point of applying lethal force, regardless of whether
safely retreating from the situation might have been possible.



