第951期:你身边最该警惕的一种人 – freeloader


这种人在英语中有个专门的说法:freeloader,他的这种行为叫 freeloading(也叫 mooching).

An example of freeloading would be an uninvited guest abusing the hospitality of their family members, friends, or neighbors, by staying at their
house, eating their food, and using their things, without offering to
pay for such use.


Another example would be living with family members or friends who are
employed and being unwilling to seek employment, thus being dependent on
the employed family members or friends financially.



郭德纲相声里说:有三种人不能交 —— 1. 打车坐后排的 2. 吃饭结账时上厕所的 3. 浴场洗澡穿衣服慢的。


Freeloader这个词很好记,free + load + er,你可能会问,这里的load是什么意思?

这个词里的load是负担的意思,burden, put a burden or load on someone.

吃白食,总想着沾别人便宜的人到处都有。西方高福利社会有 free-rider现象,说的是很多人不愿意去工作,就想吃失业救济,也不想为社会做贡献,就赖着领福利。这种懒人多了,就成了一个高福利社会的顽疾。

Free rider是另一个复杂的话题,不仅出现在社会福利方面,其实在石油输出国、低碳环保领域都是经常提到的一个词。限于篇幅,以后再专门讲一期free rider吧。


The term freeloader is an informal word for someone who takes advantage of generous people, who expects to get things from them for nothing. (Vocabulary.com)