第251期:humor me是什么意思?

你肯定知道humor是幽默的意思,但不知你是否知道第一个把humor翻译成“幽默”的人是林语堂。知道了humor是幽默,如果有人对你说“humor me, please”,你是否知道是什么意思呢?


A:Honey, come check out my new ninja T-shirt!

B: Nah…I am busy.

A: Come on, humor me, please.

在这个小对话中,A说:亲,看看我新买的忍者T恤。(T恤衫上印有日本忍者漫画头像)。 B说:呃…我没空。(B对忍者T恤不感兴趣或不喜欢)。 A说:求你了,你就看一眼嘛。(A在央求B)。

好了,现在来讲humor me是什么意思。

绝大多数人只知道humor是名词,很少有人注意到humor同时也是个动词,意思是:to do what someone wants so that they do not become annoyed or upset. 做别人希望你做的事,以免对方失望或不开心。类似汉语中的“迁就某人”、”给某人一个面子“。


I went to the blind date my mom arranged just to humour her. 我按照我妈的安排去相亲只是为了让她开心。


重复一遍,humor做动词时的意思就是汉语中的“迁就”。用英语进一步解释的话,暗含的口气就是:Please accept/do everything I say (don’t disagree with me/don’t contradict me/don’t say my ideas are stupid) so that I’m happy.

想起一个少儿不宜的解释,中国古代艳文小说里常见的”小娘子,你就从了我吧。“这个语境里的”从“其实也可以粗略翻译为humor me. (赵丽蓉老师说话了,这一轱辘掐了别播啊!)

知道了humor me的意思,当有人说Don’t humor me.的时候,又是什么意思呢?来看下面的小对话。

Wife:”Do you think my butt looks big in these jeans?”
Husband:”No! Not at all! You look as skinny as Nicole Richie.”
Wife:”Don’t humor me.”

在这个小对话中,A问穿这条牛仔裤是不是屁股显大。B说哪有,你就跟Nicole Richie(美国明星)一样瘦。A说“你别哄我开心了。”(心里其实美滋儿滋儿的。)

很显然,wife知道她不可能像Nicole Richie那么瘦。

怎么样,你学会用humor me和don’t humor me了吗?

最后,对语言有深度热爱的同学再补充一些相关内容。我在Quora上看到一个读者对humor me的解释非常全面,只是有些复杂。

Deirdre Beecher

Humor me is a phrase which has nothing to do with jokes or comedy. It comes from
good humor and bad humor, where humor can be substituted for mood. So
humor me can be most directly translated as keep me in a good mood.

It is most commonly used in the following manner…..

Boss: ‘Can you please bring the table from the meeting room in here.’

Worker: ‘We are not supposed to move that table.’

Boss: ‘Just humour me will you.’

is short hand for, ‘I have a good reason for wanting that table, but
explaining why I need that table would take too long, you are just going
to have to trust that I am right in this case and we will not get into
trouble for moving the table from the meeting room.

怎么样,你觉得能给佛老点个赞吗?Come on, humor me please…