



韦伯斯特:a desirable or needed thing or event that comes unexpectedly

剑桥词典:something good that happens unexpectedly, especially at a time when it is needed

Urban Dictionary: When a situation is tense and unexpectantly something or someone arrives that completely eases the situation. In other words, a life-saver.

柯林斯:anything unexpected and needed or desired that comes at the opportune moment, as if sent by God.

柯林斯的这个解释最好。而且柯林斯继续解释说:If you describe something as a godsend, you are emphasizing that it helps you very much.

Vocabulary.com: a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)

通过上面五个英文释义,想必大家都已经理解godsend这个词的意思了。 平时学习时,要养成多查英英字典的习惯。佛老的个人经验和喜好是:柯林斯字典上的解释往往最简洁,也最容易理解。


A godsend is something very lucky or helpful —
some event or item for which you’re incredibly thankful.

If you don’t
have time for breakfast and forget to bring your lunch to school, your
friend’s extra slice of pizza is a godsend. 这个场景例子很形象。类似汉语中说的雪中送炭。godsend其实就是这个意思。

If you’re grateful for something, you can call it a godsend.
A school snow day is a godsend if you’re not quite ready for your
chemistry midterm, and your homeowner’s insurance is a godsend when a
huge tree falls on your roof. In both of these examples, you are
relieved and happy, and if you’re a believer, you might say, “Thank
God.” In Middle English, it’s Godes sonde, “gift from God.”

如果明天要考试,你还没复习好,而今晚突然下大雪,老师说明天的考试推迟到下周,回忆一下你学生时代的这种心情。这时你就可以把这场大雪称为a godsend. 是不是来得正好?就像老天开眼,上天恩赐的一样?这就是godsend的意思了。
