第292期:As the crow flies

今天我们再来学一个很高级的英语成语。其实佛老的这个系列每天都很高级,只是今天特别高级。As the crow flies. 能猜出什么意思吗?(crow是乌鸦)

As the crow flies的意思是:In a straight line, by the shortest route. 简单说就是两点之间的”直线距离“。


From here to the office, it’s about 20 miles as the crow flies, but it’s more like 30 miles by car since you have to wind around the mountain. 从这里到办公室直线距离约20英里,但开车要30多英里,因为你得绕过这座山。

据说这个成语源自18-19世纪,可能因为那时候的英国乌鸦很常见的缘故,人们认为乌鸦有种本能可以在两个地点之间以最短的距离飞行。连大文豪狄更斯的小说《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)中都用了这个成语:

We cut over the fields at the back with him between us – straight as the crow flies – through hedge and ditch.

读者中一定有人知道另一个意思相近的英语成语:make a beeline. 意思是“走捷径、抄劲道、径直”。beeline means “the shortest distance between two points,”


When he saw me in the kitchen, he made a beeline for the door. 见我在厨房,他就直奔门而去。


意思好理解,也都容易记住,但佛老想强调的最后一点是as the crow flies和make a beeline的用法有很大不同,尽管意思相近。

最大的不同在于make a beeline后面几乎总是要跟一个介词for,记住这一点就不会用错。

而as the crow flies除了开始例句里的那种用法之外,还可以用连字符把每个单词连起来作为一个形容词使用。


Do you know how to measure the as-the-crow-flies distance between Shanghai and Beijing on google map?


Make a beeline (for)是不能这样灵活使用的。