第335期:gut feeling为什么是直觉?

今天我们要谈的这个词gut feeling在口语中很常用,在外企工作的人几乎人人都在说。但是为什么gut feeling是直觉呢?gut不是肠子吗?


Gut feeling用英语解释就是:An instinct or intuition; an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale. 就是不用依靠逻辑推理和理性判断的本能反应,汉语一般译作“直觉”。


Don’t think too hard about the answers to a personality test; just go with your gut feeling.


*Gut feeling有时候也写成gut feelings,但不常见。但任何时候gut都是单数形式。

If you have a gut feeling about something, you are sure you are right about it even though you cannot give reasons. 如果你对一件事有一个gut feeling,你说不出原因,但就是能感觉到什么。这就是直觉或者第六感。(注意gut feeling前面有个冠词”a”)。


I have a gut feeling (that) he was lying. 我有感觉他在撒谎。(意思是你的直觉告诉你他没说实话,但你又没有证据证明他在撒谎。You just know. )

好了,学会了这个词的用法(要点是:gut feeling里的gut是单数,跟在have后面时gut前要加a),我们来深入探讨一下为什么英语要用“肠子”这个词来表示直觉。


西方医学一向认为肠子和大脑之间是直接连通的,大脑和肠子之间有一系列复杂的神经元组织,叫做the gut-brain axis(脑肠中枢),所以肠子的反应又被称为第二大脑反应。


Our brain
and gut are connected by an extensive network of neurons and chemicals
and hormones, that provide feedback to us. This is known as the
gut-brain axis.

A gut feeling is a signal
from the enteric nervous system, which is referred to as our second
brain. It can act independently of the central nervous system, but it is
overseen by the central nervous system.

所以你看,gut feeling这个词还是有科学依据的。

如果你有了一个gut feeling,通常你就会有一个gut reaction(本能反应),也叫knee-jerk reaction(膝跳反应-我们在之前的一期讲过这个词)。


When he saw that lion leaping towards him, his gut reaction was to run. 看见狮子扑过来了,他的本能反应就是跑。