第438期:Karoshi 过劳死


过劳死用英语直译是:death by overwork或overworking,或者overwork death,但由于日本的过劳死现象格外普遍,英语字典就干脆选用了这个日语词。

第一例过劳死事件发生在1969年的日本。日本最大的报纸読売新聞(Yomiuri Shimbun)运输部门一名29岁的男性员工在工作中因中风发作死亡。

1978年,日本媒体发明了“过劳死”这个新词专门用来指这种越来越多的因工作过度而突然死亡的现象:The term was invented in 1978 to refer to an increasing number of people
suffering from fatal strokes and heart attacks attributed to overwork.

从1987年开始,日本厚劳省(the Japanese Ministry of Labour)就开始每年向公众发布过劳死数据了。

1988年,日本的一些律师和医生自发创建了一个“过劳死热线”(karoshi hotlines),专门用来为过劳死事件的相关人提供帮助。


看到一个统计数字说,In 2000, 28% of regular Japanese employees worked 50 hours or more per week. 近三分之一的日本打工者每周工作超过50个小时。

其实,日本政府和公司针对过劳死现象做了很多努力,例如推出的“風呂敷”(cloaked overtime)、Premium Friday等政策,但比政策更强大的日本社会文化和根深蒂固的传统观念才是过劳死最大的推手。日本职场中人最在意什么?—— the “public gaze”,不知用日语说是不是“世間の目“,请读者中的日语老师指正。



On Christmas Day in 2015, 24-year-old Matsuri Takahashi, an employee
at the Japanese advertising agency Dentsu, jumped to her death.

It emerged she had barely slept after working more than 100 hours of overtime a month in the period leading up to her death.


Those numbers are important; 80 hours overtime a month is regarded as
the threshold above which you have an increased chance of dying.

过劳死是一个复杂的社会现象,过去long working hours曾是日本的代名词,但现在似乎已是一个全球问题。下面一组数字供读者参考。

What country has the longest work week? — No. 1, Mexico, 48 hours/week.

What country has the shortest work week? — the Netherlands, 29 hours/week.
