第496期:Did you pig out in the past 3 days?

端午小假期就这样过去了,不知道你是不是大吃了几顿又要开始新一轮的节食和减肥了?今天我们来学一个英语习惯用于:pig out,大吃大喝的意思。

Pig out这个词组用英语解释就是:to eat greedily;to eat too much of something; to make a pig of oneself.


The food was free, so I pigged out. We pigged out on ice cream until we all felt sick. 食物免费,所以我们就大吃了一顿。我们吃了冰淇淋,一直吃到恶心。

Pig out后面一般接接词on (something),这里的something就是你大吃的那种食物。

Pig out表示吃得多,侧重表示数量。如果你吃得又多,吃相又难看,英语可以说make a pig of oneself.

This is a nice restaurant, so please try to mind your manners and not make pigs of yourselves. 这是家高档餐厅,注意餐桌礼仪,别吃得像头猪一样。



Gorge作名词是峡谷的意思,例如the Three Gorges 三峡,做动词就有pig out的意思(to partake of something in large amounts)。用法也是加上on something.


I didn’t mean to gorge myself on cake at the party—it was just so good! 我本来不想在party上吃那么多蛋糕的,但实在太好吃了!

小结一下今天的内容,pig out (on something)意思是无节制地大吃了某种食物一顿。

If you say that people are pigging out, you are criticizing them for eating a very large amount at one meal.
