第472期:Are you coasting at your current job? 你是不是该跳槽了?

今天我们再来聊一个工作相关的词和话题。不知今天的题目大家看懂了没?Are you coasting at your current job? 意思是:你是不是在现在的工作位置上滑行?

Coast大家都认识,海岸、沿海的意思,但这只是一层意思。Coast还有一个意思是:怠速滑行。用英语解释是:the easy movement of a vehicle without the use of power. 在手动挡汽车的时代,很多人开车下坡时会挂到空挡上,或者干脆熄火,让车空挡滑行。十几年前佛老刚学开车时,驾校老师还教过一种怠速滑行的方法,就似乎挂在一档上,不踩油门,让车靠发动机的怠速慢慢行驶。这个动作就叫coast. 既是名词也是动词。

今天这个题目 are you coasting at your current job?说的是,你现在的工作是不是已经毫不费力,毫无挑战,很舒适,但毫无上升空间,没前途了?如果你是这种状态,那么你就是在coasting了。

这种状态也叫comfort zone(舒适区),因为你已经到了你现在职位的顶头,无法突破了,你头上就是一个无法越过的极限,这个东西又叫做glass ceiling 玻璃天花板。


下面的内容部分摘录自Business Insider上的一篇文章(7 reasons to change jobs, even if you don’t want to).

…many working professionals find their comfort zone and stay in it. The longer professionals coast, the more they have to lose.

Coasting keeps you playing small and avoiding the fulfillment of your potential, while that may not seem immediately threatening, there will come a time when comfort with your job turns into boredom.



You’re actually losing money staying in the same job.

这说的是在一家公司超过三年的人。绝大多数跨国公司的每个职位都是有一个salary range的,如果你被雇佣时起薪很高,除非你升职,否则在那个级别范围内仅靠每年自然加薪的话,由于你的compa-ratio很高,三年后你的自然加薪将逐年降低,低于每年的CPI涨幅,实际上你的薪水等于是每年在降低了。就是这个道理。

*Compa-ratio is calculated as the employee’s current salary divided by the current market rate as defined by the company’s competitive pay policy.

外企中有句话:“加薪不如跳槽”说的也是这个道理。By switching jobs, you can ask for a higher starting salary.


一位人力资源专家说,“the best time to change jobs is not when you feel an urgent need for a change, because often when one feels pressured to find a new job, they will be more likely to accept mediocre offers and lower their requirements to get out of an existing position.”

人力专家Lisa Lewis建议,如果你对下面四个问题中任何一个的答案是No, 你就该跳槽了:

  • Does this role use my portfolio of strengths?
  • Does it align with my areas of interest?
  • Does the culture of the organization match my personality?
  • Does this role enable the lifestyle I want?


Are you ready for a job-hop?