第504期:Diseases of despair 绝望症

今早读了BI上一篇小文章,颇感心痛:’Deaths of despair’ are taking more lives of millennial Americans than any other generation.

今天我们就来聊聊这个话题:diseases of despair and deaths of despair 绝望之症与绝望之死。有点沉重,但希望你能抱着社会文化研究的心态去读,不要受到情绪的影响。

英语媒体上其实有很多这方面的文章,例如我几乎每天都看的一个网站:Thought Catalog. 当然并不是说这个网站上都是这种阴郁压抑的内容,而是说diseases of despair是一个西方社会普遍的社会现象,已经引起了社会学家和心理学家的广泛关注。也值得我们每个人关注和思考。中年人不容易啊。

绝望症如果任其发展下去唯一的终点就是death of despair 绝望之死,这种死亡通常与三种极端行为相关:毒品(吸毒)、酒精(嗜酒)、自杀。

今早读的那篇文章说美国的millennials集体面临的生活困境可以称为 the affordability crisis(“买不起”危机)。


  • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964
  • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (39-54 years old in 2019)
  • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (2338 years old in 2019)
  • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-22 years old in 2019)


“Deaths of despair” are increasing among young Americans.

These deaths — related to drugs, alcohol, or suicide — claimed the lives of 36,000 American millennials in 2017 alone. Drug overdoeses are the most common cause of death.  2017年一年就有三万六千个千禧世代美国人死于绝望症,主要死于过量酗酒。

Financial burdens and lack of social support may explain why depression is on the rise among millennials.



Depression is on the rise among millennials, but 20% of them are’t seeking treatment — and it’s likely because they can’t afford it.

千禧世代的抑郁症发病率不断上升,但他们中有20%的人并不寻求治疗 — 极大可能是他们根本没钱治疗抑郁症。

The US birthrate is the lowest it’s been in 32 years, and it’s partly because millennials can’t afford having kids.



BBC的一篇文章说:Inequality driving ‘deaths of despair’ 不平等推动了“绝望之死”,批评了英国社会的贫富不均现象。

*上图显示了在主要发达国家中,英美两国的贫富悬殊之大,图X轴的刻度是“基尼系数”(Gini coefficient; Gini index),衡量贫富差距的指数。





The diseases of despair are three classes of behavior-related medical conditions that increase in groups of people who experience despair due to a sense that their long-term social and economic outlook is bleak. The three disease types are drug overdose (including alcohol overdose), suicide, and alcoholic liver disease. (Wikipedia)

维基百科对diseases of despair的这个解释非常准确(佛老草译如下):绝望症指三类行为相关的医学状况,多发于对自身长期社会和经济前景悲观的人群。三类疾病类型是:过度使用毒品(包括过度酒精摄入,酗酒)、自杀、酒精肝疾病。


NPR – The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People’s ‘Deaths Of Despair’

