
昨天我们讲了”You are the butter to my bread”,用黄油之于面包来表示“you”的重要,今天我们再来聊两个跟食物有关的成语:

  • icing on the cake
  • cherry on the cake

1. icing on the cake

通常被翻译成“锦上添花”,用英语解释就是:something that makes a good situation even better.


The new jos is great and the signing bonus is just icing on the cake. 新工作很棒,签约奖金更是锦上添花。

一般字典只是这样翻译,并不告诉你 icing到底是什么东西。


大多数蛋糕上面的那层白白的东西就是icing, 不是纯粹的奶油。

这种“糖霜”又叫 frosting,所以这个成语还有种形式是 frosting on the cake.

很多小朋友吃蛋糕,其实就是为了吃那层又甜又腻的 icing 或 frosting.

*参考:BBC – How to make icing? (https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/how_to_make_icing_04669)

2. cherry on the cake

这个成语也可以翻译成“锦上添花”,经常和 icing on the cake互换使用,意思基本一样。

An additional benefit or positive aspect to something that is already considered positive or beneficial.

除了表示跟icing on the cake一样的“锦上添花”的意思之外,cherry on the cake还有一层微妙的不同的意思,有点类似汉语“画龙点睛”、“点睛之笔”的意思。

A desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already very good.

For instance, if you got a good job in which you were allocated a
Mercedes as a company car, or if your duties involved spending three
months in Hawaii every year, that would be the cherry on the cake.


如果你的新工作不仅薪水高,而且公司给你配车(一辆奔驰600),这已经棒到无法挑剔了,并且每年有三个月在夏威夷上班,这就是cherry on the cake了。

一块蛋糕上,那层甜甜的 icing是最甜的,如果上面再放上一颗樱桃,是不是一个锦上添花的神来之笔?
