第982期:嘘!学会这个词别让你老婆/女朋友知道 – ball and chain


ball and chain


对,古代的一种刑罚——a heavy iron ball attached to a chain and fastened to a prisoner.

Wikipedia说,A ball and chain was a physical restraint device historically
applied to prisoners, primarily in the British Empire and its former
colonies, from the 17th century until as late as the mid-20th century

把人的腿脚铐起来不说,还加一个很重的铁球,完全限制了人的活动自由。这个意思后来引申为所有限制人自由的东西,a heavy restraint;Something, usually a responsibility of some kind, that restricts one’s freedom or limits one’s possibilities for personal pursuits.

如果你的工作又枯燥又繁重,看不到任何希望,但你又得每天朝九晚五去上班,这份工作就是 ball and chain.


This job is such a ball and chain, I can’t wait to quit and start freelancing.

另外一个引申义用 ball and chain 来特指老婆或女朋友。表示这层意思时一般来说是玩笑语气,而且几乎都指男人的另一半,而不指女人的丈夫或男朋友。(女权主义者肯定不满意这个词)

Ball and chain — (jocular, can be offensive) a person’s spouse or romantic partner, especially a female.

所以英语笑话中专门有一类笑话叫作 ball and chain jokes,指的就是有关婚姻和老婆的笑话。


英语中的 ball and chain jokes经常会包含少儿不宜的内容,这时候一般会提前提示:This joke may contain profanity. Confirm you are over 18. 意思是这则笑话是18禁的荤段子。

佛老平时喜欢去 https://upjoke.com 看英语笑话,上面的段子比较对我的胃口:)

很多社交媒体上都有这类笑话,你可以试试在 Reddit, Quora, Twitter上搜索 ball and chain jokes.


Ball and chain means anything that restricts one’s freedom or opportunities. It can be a job, a debt etc., or one’s wife, as a symbol of restraint.