Ten Lessons for The Post-Pandemic World

Ten Lessons for The Post-Pandemic World, by Fareed Zakaria

About the Author

Fareed Rafiq Zakaria (/fəˈriːd zəˈkɑːriə/; born 20 January 1964) is an Indian-American journalist, political scientist, and author. He is the host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes a weekly paid column for The Washington Post.

Book Reviews




我是在一次跑步时从NPR广播里听到作者的专访得知他新出版的这本书的。作者1986年本科毕业于耶鲁大学,1993年获哈佛大学政府学(Government)专业博士,在哈佛期间曾师从塞缪尔森·亨廷顿(Samuel P. Huntington)。



Lesson 1: Buckle up

Lesson 2: What matters is not the quantity of government but the quality

Lesson 3: Markets are not enough

Lesson 4: People should listen to the experts — and experts should listen to the people

Lesson 5: Life is digital

Lesson 6: Aristotle was right — we are social animals

Lesson 7: Inequality will get worse

Lesson 8: Globalization is not dead

Lesson 9: The world is becoming bipolar

Lesson 10: Sometimes the greatest realists are the idealists

Conclusion: Nothing is written