
*佛老 注:接昨天的文章,今天是第(2)部分,介绍小说情节的历史背景、书名的含义以及我的读后感想。


Dust Bowl 指的是1930-1936年间北美地区发生的一系列沙尘暴事件,对美国和加拿大大草原的生态系统和农业造成了毁灭性地打击。

受灾最严重的地区是美国 Oklahoma 和 Texas,到1934年,连续肆虐了四年的特大沙尘暴(sand storms)把北美大草原变成了一片沙漠,因此被称为 the Dust Bowl(该词由美联社记者 Robert Geiger发明),成千上万农民被迫逃离家乡去加州求生。

我也看到有些网站把 the Dust Bowl 直译成“沙尘碗”的,也不错。


说完了这本书,你是否好奇书名 The Four Winds 是什么意思?

Four winds就是来自东西南北四个方向的风,出自圣经。

圣经中多处提到 wind,都有不同的涵义。但一般来说,圣经中提到 wind一般都指重大、严重、毁灭性的事件(some remarkable, unusual, or devastating event),可以简单理解为 the four winds from heaven,类似“天谴”的意思。

例如,圣经启示录( Revelation 7:1 )中写道“I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.”

这段经文中说的是天使抑制住了 the four winds,才没有产生毁灭性的后果。


这是我第一次近距离阅读到美国1930年代大萧条和南部沙尘暴造成大饥荒这段历史。我在阅读本书时,不断想到另一个美国作家赛珍珠(Pearl Buck) 写于同时代的一本书 The Good Earth(《大地》),1931年出版,次年获普利策最佳小说奖,1938年赛珍珠荣获诺贝尔文学奖,写的是中国农民在20世纪初的故事。






As I write this note, it is May 2020, and the world is battling the coronavirus pandemic.

Three years ago, I began writing this novel about hard times in America: the worst environmental disasters in our history; the collapse of the economy; the effect of massive unemployment.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the Great Depression would become so relevant in our modern lives, that I would see so many people out of work, in need, frightened for the future.

We’ve gone through bad times before and survived, even thrived.

History has shown us the strength and durability of the human spirit. In the end it is our idealism and our courage and our commitment to one another – what we have in common – that will save us.

Now, in those dark days, we can look to history, to the legacy of the Greatest Generation and the story of our own past, and take strength from it.



The Four Wind是今年我读完的第23本英文书,目前暂列我的书单中最佳小说。

关于美国大萧条时期的历史,作者推荐另一本好书:Whose Names Are Unknown, by Sanora Babb.

About the Author:

Kristin Hannah is a New York Times bestselling author. She is a former lawyer turned writer and is the mother of one son. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest near Seattle, and Hawaii.
