第1028期:有一种婚姻叫 common law marriage

之前好像有一期讲到过 common law(普通法、判例法、习惯法、不成文法),也俗称为英美法(系)。

什么是 common law marriage 呢?

A common law marriage is one in which the couple lives together for a
period of time and holds themselves out to friends, family and the
community as “being married,” but without ever going through a formal ceremony or getting a marriage license. (findlaw.com)



之前也讲过同居的英文是 cohabitation,只是指两个人没有结婚但住在一起。

要构成 common law marriage,需要满足下面几个条件:

  • You must live together  首先得住在一起(不是隔三差五,是每天生活在一起,过日子。)
  • You both must have the legal right or “capacity to marry”. (符合法定结婚条件,年龄、不能重婚、身心健全等)
  • You both must intend to be married. 有结婚意愿
  • You both must hold yourself out to friends and family as being a married couple. (这一条最关键,注意 hold yourself out to friends这个说法,意思是你俩必须互相引见各自的亲朋友好友,像夫妻那样。)
    再说的直白一点:They must introduce themselves to friends, neighbors, and coworkers as a married
    couple, calling each other “my husband” or “my wife” and even using the
    same last name.


在 common law countries/states,这种事实婚姻尽管没有办结婚手续,也是享受夫妻的各种合法权利的,例如减免税、买房、子女教育等。

除了这些,还有一项重要的法律权利:spousal privilege,也叫  marital privilege, 或 the confidential marital communications privilege,可以翻译成“配偶特权”,意思是夫妻之间的谈话是保密的,夫妻双方都有权拒绝对警方或在法庭上披露谈话内容。



这种婚姻形式主要在北欧和西欧一些国家很流行,如瑞典、荷兰等,在美国只有九个州的法律认可 common law marriage,尽管美国也是一个典型的 common law country. 



Is the U.S. a common law country or civil law country?美国是英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家?



答案是:美国是英美法系国家,但有一个州例外——Louisiana(路易斯安那州)沿用了欧洲的大陆法(civil law),因为路易斯安那以前是法国的殖民地,美国独立后就把那套法律体系保留了下来。尽管后来有所修改,并不是完全的 civil law,而算 mixed law,但那个州的法律体系主体仍然是 civil law. 

The legal system in the United States is a common law system (with the exception of Louisiana, which has a mix of civil and common law).



Common-law marriage, also known as non-ceremonial marriage, sui iuris marriage, informal marriage, or marriage by habit and repute.

有些地方也叫 “De facto relationship” – 事实(婚姻)关系。
