第1134期:你(也)是路怒症患者吗?- road rage and angry drivers



我一个人打的时永远只坐后排右侧那个位子,一来方便,二来是安全考量。在这个位子上你可以最全面地观察到司机或者跟司机聊天。假如突然有一辆车猛地一下插队到了你的的士前面,这时候你的上海的士司机一般会骂一句“嚓拿”(mother fuxxer),然后猛踩一脚油门,熟练地加速到前车左侧与它并行,同时放下右侧车窗,再正式对那个插队司机怒骂几句“嚓拿”,然后满意地加速从其他车道开走。司机觉得这样才算出了气。


路上的车越来越多,开车的人越来越多,路越来越堵,开车的人越来越急躁,很多人是 angry driver,路上每天都有很多路怒症患者。

路怒是 road rage 的直译,我觉得翻译得不好,明明是 rage on the road, 直译成汉语搞得好像生气的是无辜的路似的。

给你看一组美国 road rage的数据:

  • In 2019, 82% of people admitted to committing an act of road rage in the past year. (The Zebra)
  • A total of 12,610 injuries and 218 murders have been attributed to road rage over a seven-year period in the United States (SafeMotorist).
  • 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving (NHTSA)
  • Road rage has been responsible for about 300 deaths since 2013. (NHTSA)
  • Over a seven-year time period, more than 200 murders and 12,000 injuries were attributed to road rage. (American Automobile Association)
  • 30 murders annually are linked to road rage. (American Psychological Association)
  • 50% of drivers respond to the careless acts of other drivers with aggressive behavior themselves (American Psychology Association)
  • 94% of traffic accidents are caused by driver error. (NPR)
  • 37% of aggressive driving incidents involve a firearm. (AutoVantage Club)
  • Aggressive driving played a role in 56% of fatal crashes from 2003 through 2007 (Insurance Information Institute)
  • 500% increase in reported cases of road rage over the last 10 years. (CNN)

*source: https://www.thezebra.com/resources/research/road-rage-statistics/


常见的 road rage行为无非就下面这几种,人性,哪里都一样。


英语中有一连串跟rage有关的词,除了 road rage,还有 bike rage(自行车怒)、air rage(飞机乘客怒)、computer rage(电脑怒,急得拍打电脑屏幕摔鼠标键盘)……
