第1721期:When I Was Lonely(“佛老请你喝一杯”第三季投稿选登)

本文作者:Rebecca R.










疫情,气候暖化,极端的意识形态,分裂的社会群体,2020, 难道整个人间要进入世界末日不可?就在各种思绪倾泄而下时,窗外小鸟啾啾的叫声,打破了黑暗的沉寂,想起前不久,鹌鹑小俩口在院子大树安巢筑窝,他俩可否安好?便打开手电筒,透过窗户,看到嗷嗷待哺的三只雏鸟扑腾着羽毛未丰的翅膀,在浓浓烟雾的笼罩下紧紧依偎在两只大鸟的旁边,两只大鸟机警地转动着小眼珠回应手电筒的光照,温暖小家人在极端恶劣的天气下,紧紧相拥的画面,让我眼眶一热,“难道你们还不如飞鸟贵重吗?你们谁能用忧虑使自己多活片刻呢“ ,有灵的万物,天公话语的安慰,我的孤独感,掺杂着那些负面情绪,慢慢消然殆尽…



When I was lonely

Author: Rebecca R.


Loneliness is an expression of emotion in which one feels that they have nothing to attach to. Everyone feels differently at different stages of life. When I was young, children often played jump rope. Only I stood on the sidelines to watch. This was loneliness as a child. When I was a teenager, I carried a backpack, rode on a green train, and left my parents for college. This was the loneliness of a student away from home. Having to live in a foreign country, the loneliness of nostalgia strikes deep. Now, my two birds spread their wings and fly high; the loneliness of empty nesters never tires of seeing them come back.

Being alone is not the same as being lonely. Loneliness is not being secluded on a mountain or the creek but being huddled in the bustling streets and crowded supermarkets; loneliness is not reading alone at night but when the mind is trapped in a flurry of complicated and meddling thoughts.

The most striking period of loneliness hit me during the pandemic: empty office buildings, shopping malls, airports, restaurants, and gyms everywhere. Thousands of people and thousands of smiling faces obscured by masks. Loved ones and friends who cannot see each other due to epidemic isolation; made me feel indescribably lonely. In the early morning of those days, I sat alone in front of the computer in a low mood to deal with work. The sound of my keyboard and notifications ringing on my phone were particularly jarring in the empty living room. Occasionally, I would look up at the sky outside the window and notice that the blue sky gradually turned orange. Recently, there have been several wildfires in the mountains not far from home, and several surrounding cities have been ravaged by the inferno. The sky was getting darker and darker, and in an instant, the day turned into night. Then, the computer went black, as the fires caused a power outage in the surrounding area. I was once again surrounded by darkness. A huge sense of loneliness engulfed me just like the black fog outside, and an uneasy fear seized my heart.

Geez… Covid, global weather warming, extreme ideology, polarized society…  

Just as the thoughts were pouring down, I heard the chirping of the birds outside the window, interrupting the dark silence. I suddenly thought of a couple of quails nesting in the yard’s big tree. “Are they safe?” – I shined a flashlight through the window and saw three chicks waiting to be fed, fluttering their fledgling wings, and nestled tightly next to two big birds under the cover of thick smoke. Their small eyes fluttered in response to the light, and watching the little family hugging each other tightly in the midst of such chaos, made my eyes water, “Are we not as precious as the birds? Why worry only to make yourself live for a moment?”  All living things live under the comfort of God’s words and my loneliness slowly disappeared…

Morning and night continue to pass on the never-ending hourglass of time. The pandemic has passed, families have recovered, and the world has returned to its fast pace. It’s rare to take some time to sit at home to have a good chat together. When I get along with my family, friends, and coworkers, this loneliness reminds me that I have to cherish and enjoy quiet but not lonely happiness.