
再过一个星期(Aug 30),巴菲特就93岁了。他几十年如一日地吃汉堡喝可乐(据说每天喝至少三罐可口可乐),If you tell me Coke is junk food, well, ok, so be it.

巴菲特的车上有三个杯子,他老婆在里面分别放了$2,61, $2.95, $3.17零钱。这就是他每天的早点钱。


“I tell my wife, as I shave in the morning, I say, ‘Either $2.61, $2.95 or $3.17.’ And she puts that amount in the little cup by me here [in the car],” he said on camera. “When I’m not feeling quite so prosperous, I might go with the $2.61, which is two sausage patties, and then I put them together and pour myself a Coke. $3.17 is a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit, but the market’s down this morning, so I’ll pass up the $3.17 and go with the $2.95.” – HBO documentary “Becoming Warren Buffett”
