

这首歌就是 Jambalaya.


Goodbye, Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh

Me gotta go, pole the pirogue down the bayou

My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

Jambalaya and a craw fish pie and filé gumbo

‘Cause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amio

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

The Thibodaux’s, the fontenot’s, the place is buzzin’

Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen

Dress in style and go hog wild, me oh my oh

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

Jambalaya and a craw fish pie and filé gumbo

‘Cause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amio

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

Jambalaya and a craw fish pie and filé gumbo

‘Cause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amio

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

这首歌是1952年美国乡村音乐歌星Hank Williams写的,后来经过卡朋特兄妹的演绎,愈发流行。大多数人脑海里响起的可能都是卡朋特兄妹的演绎,很少人听过Hank Williams的原唱版。

这首歌的歌词很奇特,里面有很多法语词和一些不知所云的语气词,据说Hank Williams在创作这首歌时刻意模仿了路易斯安那州当地法国人后裔独特的那种语言。

美国路易斯安那州(Louisiana)原本是法国殖民地,定居在那里的法国后裔统称为Cajun people,他们有独特的饮食和烹饪方式,称为 Cajun food(有人音译为“卡真菜”)。

这首歌词里的很多法语词就是Cajun food里面的食材。

Jambalaya 法国什锦炖饭,主料是猪肉、鸡肉或兔肉、海鲜(虾、蟹、小龙虾),配料是蔬菜,浇在米饭上(类似法国版的西班牙海鲜饭 Paella)

*jambalaya, a savory dish, popularly associated with the U.S. state of Louisiana, consisting of meat (pork, chicken, or even rabbit), seafood (shrimp, crab, crawfish), or both (often including andouille either way) and cooked with vegetables, stock, rice, and various seasonings. (Britannica)

Fillet gumbo 鱼片浓汤

craw fish pie 小龙虾饼

歌词第一段大意(佛老 译):

Goodbye, Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh

Me gotta go, pole the pirogue down the bayou

My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou






接下来的歌词里有一些当地食材和食物名,还有法语夹杂着当地的皮钦英语(pidgin English,类似民国时上海人所说的“洋泾浜英语”。)


很多年后,中国大陆出现了一首神曲《忐忑》,我第一次听到时就想起了这首大学时代听过的 Jambalaya. 但后者好歹还有几个正经词,前者就完全是梦呓了。