第1913期:What’s a showstopper?Be prepared to be shocked as I was

昨天我在写一份报告时想描述最近一件突发事件阻碍了手头一个项目的进展,想用showstopper这个词,一时不确定是show stopper(分开的两个词),还是show-stopper(中间有hyphen的一个组合词),还是showstopper(连在一起的一个词),于是查了一下字典,这一查字典可把我吓了一大跳——showstopper的意思和用法远比我印象中复杂得多。

这个词最普遍的写法是show-stopper(不过越来越多人写成showstopper)本意是一个演出由于太精彩而被观众的掌声打断(“an act, song, or performer that wins applause so prolonged as to interrupt a performance” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary),引申为非常精彩(“something that is very impressive” – Cambridge Dictionary),例如:That dress she wore was a showstopper! 她穿的那条裙子太惊艳了!


在我的印象中,show-stopper指的是something that stops the show(一件不好的事耽误了原本的进程)。

我的这个印象其实也不错,这只是show-stopper的一层意思——“Any impediment that prevents all further progress.” – Wikipedia

据说这层意思是程序员(computer programmer)发明的,他们把那些程序中的bug称为show-stopper,就是a software bug, a blocker.


In case you don’t know this word, a deal-breaker is someone or something that prevents a deal or arrangement from being reached or fulfilled.

所以我在昨天的报告中最终选用了deal-breaker这个词,表达了Had there not been that unexpected issue erupting from nowhere, we’d have completed the project on time.



一个词同时有两个相反的意思,这种词在英文里还不少,在语言学上称为 contronym(反义同形词),我整理一下过几天写一期专题,敬请期待。