
今天(May 7)是John Stuart Mill的deathday,提到这位哲学巨人,就不得不提他最著名的人文巨著“On Liberty”和他主张的哲学思想 Utilitarianism.

“Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.” – John Stuart Mill


Utilitarianism is all about making choices that create the most happiness for the most people.

The goal is to maximize overall happiness, even if it means some people might be unhappy.

现代功利主义的创始人是另一位英国哲学家Jeremy Bentham(边沁), the founder of modern utilitarianism.

边沁认为最好的行动就是为大多数人创造最大幸福的行动,他称称之为“最大幸福原则”(the greatest happiness principle)。

“It is the greatest good to the greatest number which is the measure of right and wrong.” – Jeremy Bentham



The greatest happiness principle: The goal is to maximize overall happiness, even if it means some people might be unhappy.

Util: Happiness is the only thing that matters. Money, fame, or power are only good if they lead to happiness.

Impartiality: Everyone’s happiness counts equally, regardless of their age, race, or social status.

John Stuart Mill是继边沁之后最重要的Utilitarianism哲学家。

感兴趣的读者可参考副贴中的链接深入学习Utilitarianism和John Stuart Mill的思想。