第188期:sitting duck

*Issue 188

中文有个俗语“煮熟了的鸭子”,形容某事结果已定,不会再变。或某人已被控制,跑不掉。不知为何很多俗语喜欢用鸭子这个意象。今天我们来聊一个英文成语:sitting duck.

简单地说,sitting duck就是容易被击中的目标(常用于战争中场景),或容易被骗的人。

英语释义(Cambridge Dictionary):

someone or something that is very easy for an enemy to shoot or attack



 “The German airmen are shooting ‘sitting ducks,’ yet, night and day, from low and high altitudes, they have succeeded only in hitting residential districts.”


在这种场合中,也可以说sitting bird或sitting pigeon,意思都一样,很容易被理解。

2018年5月12日的The Economist(经济学人)杂志上的一篇文章(China has put missiles on islands in the South China Sea)中,作者形容南海人工岛礁时写道:

The new bases were sitting ducks, American planners sniffed, and could be taken out quickly in an actual conflict.


英语释义:a person or thing with no protection against an attack or other source of danger.


When my car broke down in a bad neighborhood, I felt like a sitting duck, just waiting to get robbed. We can’t go into that area unarmed, we’d be sitting ducks!

最后,值得注意的是,sitting duck在美国俚语中还有一个少儿不宜的意思,读者可自行查字典学习并鉴别使用。