第190期:golden or silver bullet?

*Issue 190

今天开会时(德国)老板说除非他有golden bullet才能解决某个问题,我立刻明白他说错了。他想说的肯定是silver bullet. 今天我们来聊聊这个词。


In folklore, a bullet cast from silver is often the only weapon that is effective against a werewolf, witch, or other monsters. The term is also a metaphor for a simple, seemingly magical, solution to a difficult problem: for example, penicillin was a silver bullet that cured many bacterial infections.

解释得很清楚。所谓silver bullet(银子弹),在现代英语中的意思就是解决难题的终极方案。用现在的网路语言说大概就是“放大招”。

你跟美国人说silver bullet,对方妙懂,而且会跟你谈“独行侠”(the lone ranger).

从词源而言,silver bullet的说法来自欧洲古代的传说,过去欧洲人相信只有银子做的子弹才能打死werewolf(狼人)等怪兽。顺便说一下werewolf这个词,拼写很奇怪有没有?但佛老一说,你马上就记住这个词了而且终生不会再忘记。werewolf由were和wolf两个词合成。把were看作am或is的过去式,想象一个人过去曾经是狼人。


再回头说老板今天说错的那个golden bullet,那么到底有没有这种说法呢?

有。但意思跟silver bullet不一样。不能因为金子比银子贵就以为金子弹就比银子弹牛啊。

Golden bullet的英语释义是:

A financial problem caused by a misunderstanding of your contract or agreement. It can cost you a lot of money if you aren’t careful.

简单说,golden bullet就是由于对某个协议或合同误解而造成的财务问题或损失。


Person 1: “I found out that I wasn’t actually covered by unlimited texting on my cell phone, even though I paid for it. Turns out I misunderstood the terms, and I almost had to pay for a couple thousand dollars worth of texting. Luckily I was able to talk my way out of it, and only paid a few hundred.”

Person 2: “Wow, you really dodged a golden bullet”



但golden bullet只有这一个意思,初次之外的用法都是错误的,英语中不存在的。


今天,我们学了silver bullet(大招)还有werewolf(狼人),你觉得到80岁生日还会记得吗?I bet you would.