

在所有字典中,韦伯斯特对这个词的释义简单:to select the best or most desirable.


If you cherry-pick something, you choose something very carefully.

假设你第一次约会请异性吃饭,and you have cherry-picked a nice restaurant. 这里的cherry-pick肯定是褒义的。

另一个字典解释比韦伯斯特好:To cherry-pick is to opportunistically choose the most beneficial or profitable items. 就是说这种“精挑细选”其实是有“机会主义”心理的。

我们今天要说的主要是cherry-pick比字面涵义更深一层的意思——cherry-pick是一个逻辑上的谬误, a logical fallacy. 且看下文。

Cherry-picking is also known as: suppressed evidence, fallacy of incomplete evidence, argument by selective observation, argument by half-truth, card stacking, fallacy of exclusion, ignoring the counter evidence, one-sided assessment, slanting, one-sidedness.


Cherry picking is a logical fallacy in which someone points out evidence
that supports their claim while ignoring the evidence against their



Cherry picking is when we look only for confirming evidence for our
ideas. We ignore, suppress, do not see, or do not test for disconfirming
evidence for our ideas.

例如,A说“兵贵神速”,所以速度最重要,要快。B反驳说“欲速则不达”,速度太快反而坏事。A和B其实都在cherry-picking,因为双方都只选择对自己有利的那个成语。这种情况下,cherry-picking又叫quote mining(只找对自己有利的引语)。大家明白了吗?

*链接:1993年国际大专辩论赛的文字实况 – http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4fb79b200102dvgu.html


For instance, if you want to make a president look good, you can choose a
starting point when unemployment was very high and an end point when
unemployment was very low, giving the impression that the president was
good for the economy. But you can make that same president look bad by
presenting unemployment data that starts when unemployment was low and
ending when it was very high, giving the impression that the president
was bad for job growth. (本段摘自https://medium.com/@WrightAaronM/the-fallacy-of-cherry-picking-3dd0f77f9967)



Cherry-picking examples:


1) A presidential candidate mentioned all the cities where his tax
policy decreased crime and failed to mention all the cities where his
policy increased crime.

2) A survey of participants in a workout program gets very positive results because only those with positive results responded.

3) To prove cigarette smoking is not harmful to your health, I cite
my grandpa, a ninety year old smoker who runs marathons. *Giving this
type of anecdotal evidence is usually a form of cherry picking.



Trump cherry picks isolated examples of Hispanic supporters to cover the fact that the vast majority of surveyed Hispanics disapprove of him.


在美国,枪支问题,全球暖化问题是常年争论不休的话题,始终有两派相反的观点,大家各自引经据典,越说越觉得自己有理,对方难道是白痴吗?其实这些都是cherry-picking fallacy的例子。

Elizabeth Gilbert在“Eat, Pray, Love”一书中说到:有很多人,没有宗教信仰,但又为此觉得不安,想找一个宗教作为心灵依靠,但又不想太郑重皈依某个教门,只想找到一个令自己感到舒适的”god”在自己虚弱时有指望。Gilbert说They are cherry-picking a religion. 这里面的cherry-picking就是我们开始说的”带有功利心、机会主义“的选择,这种语境下,也可以粗略翻译为”挑肥拣瘦“、”挑三拣四“,尽管不是那么精确。


