第266期:hush money 封口费

今天我们要学的这个词其实一看就明白,hush money — 封口费。

用英语简单地解释就是,money paid to someone to prevent them from disclosing embarrassing or discreditable information,或者再简单一点:money that is given to someone to make them keep something secret.

要让人闭口不谈某件事,你总得给人家点甜头,这个甜头英语就叫sweetner. 很多时候,封口费(hush money)和甜头(sweetner)其实是一回事。还有一种说法叫protection money,这个比较直白一些。


*顺便扩展一下,hush除了是语气词“嘘”之外,也是动词,意思是“使……安静下来”,也是名词,意思是“寂静”。它的形容词是hushed, 意思是“寂静的”。建议大家自己分别找一个例句把这一组词都学会。

从法律的意义上讲,hush money的本质是一种贿赂(bribe).

Hush money is a slang term for a form of bribery in which one person or party offers another an attractive sum of money
or other enticement, in exchange for remaining silent about some
illegal, stigmatic, or shameful behavior, action, or other fact about the person or party who has made the offer.


Donald Trump and hush money: Is it legal? Is it any worse than jaywalking?