第357期:elephant in the room

大家都知道white elephant的意思是大而无用的东西,今天我们来讲另一个跟大象有关的英语成语:elephant in the room. 意思跟“皇帝的新装”有点像


用英语解释是:an obvious problem or risk that no one wants to discuss. 就是一个很明显的问题、现象或事物,就像屋里站着一头大象一样,不可能有人看不见,但大家都心照不宣,谁也不谈论这个东西,因为人人都感觉谈论这个东西很不舒服。或者这个话题太敏感,或某些话说出来就政治不正确,所以谁也不说,谁也不提,就好像屋里那头大象谁也没看见一样。你说是不是跟皇帝的新装一样?

If you say there is an elephant in the room, you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about.

这个成语还有两种变体说法,elephant in the corner; elephant in the living room. 意思一样。


The fact that his 35-year-old brother was still living with his parents
a big elephant in the room at every family gathering.


Elephant in the room具体怎么翻译,要看上下文而定。在上面这个例句中可以翻译成“忌讳、回避、规避”。


We all sat sipping our tea quietly; no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Joel’s expulsion from college. 


很多时候,一件事物明明大到谁也无法无视,但大家偏偏都心照不宣,谁也不愿意直说不愿意提起。这件事就是an elephant in the room.

不多说了,今天我们学的这个成语elephant in the room前面既可以用an(不定冠词)也可以用the(定冠词),要看情况而定。