第929期:如果你不甘心 play second fiddle,你就应该马上跳槽

Fiddle就是小提琴,大家可能更熟悉小提琴的另一个名字 violin,民国时译为“梵婀玲“,多美的名字!

今天我们要讲的主要内容是一个英文习惯表达:play second fiddle 当副手(二把手)。

但需要先讲一下 fiddle 和 violin的区别。


这么说吧,fiddle 和 violin的区别要远远小于民谣吉他(folk guitar)和古典吉他(classical guitar)的区别。


而 fiddle 和 violin的最主要区别是——violin一般用于古典音乐,fiddle一般用于民谣(country music)等非古典音乐。

英语习惯用语 play second fiddle的字面意思是“拉第二小提琴”,这个说法最早来自西方的管弦乐队(orchestra)。

管弦乐队里面有多少个第一小提琴手(first violinist),多少个第二小提琴手(second violinist)?


一个完整的现代交响乐队(full-scale symphony orchestra)有70-120个左右musicians组成,其中16–18 1st violins, 16 2nd violins, 12 violas (中提琴), 12 cellos (大提琴),还有其他很多乐器的乐手,此不赘述(文末有详细列表)。

一个稍小一点的交响乐队里也有十个第一小提琴手,构成第一小提琴区(first violin section),十个第二小提琴手,构成第二小提琴区(second violin section)。

第一小提琴区里面领头的那个第一小提琴手又被称为 the concertmaster. 是交响乐队中除了指挥之外最抢眼的人,堪称交响乐队的灵魂角色。

因为第二小提琴的作用主要是辅助第一小提琴,所以英语就借用了这个乐队的说法,用 play second fiddle 来表示做别人的副手这个意思。

至于为什么不说 play second violin,为什么这里非要说fiddle?这个我没考证过,估计是约定俗成吧。

Play second fiddle 的意思就是:To have a subordinate, lesser, or smaller role, position, or part (in something).


I’m tired of playing second fiddle to John. I’m better trained than he, and I have more experience. I shouldn’t always play second fiddle.


如果你觉得你屈才了,不甘心做你看不上的人的副手,you know what? My suggestion — fucx it. Find a better company where you can exert your talents and be the first violinist.

不过这话说着解气,听着过瘾,然而现实是残酷的,不是每个人都敢这样做的。我们在外企的人有这个自由,但很多机关里的人一辈子都得忍气吞声不能随便跳槽,怎么办呢?Well, 如果改变不了那个现状,就装死吧。如果装死也不能,那就装孙子吧。不然还能怎样呢?

这就是今天的内容了。希望你如果必须play second fiddle时,就做一个最好的second violinist. 如果不想再做扶手了,勇敢地离开,去做你的first violinist.


A modern full-scale symphony orchestra consists of approximately one
hundred permanent musicians, most often distributed as follows:

1st violins, 16 2nd violins, 12 violas, 12 cellos, 8 double basses, 4
flutes (one with piccolo as a specialty), 4 oboes (one with English horn
as a specialty), 4 clarinets (one with bass clarinet as a specialty,
another specializing in high clarinets), 4 bassoons (one with double
bassoon as a specialty). In theory, all woodwind players are expected to
be able to play all auxiliary instruments in addition to their main
instrument. Furthermore 5–8 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones (one with
bass trombone as a specialty), 1 tuba, 1 kettledrum player, 3–4
percussionists (of whom at least one must also play kettledrum), 1–2
harps and a keyboard player (piano, celesta, harpsichord, etc.).


