第390期:The Catholic Crisis – 教你看懂英语宗教新闻


天主教会的圣统制(Catholic Church Hierarchy)很复杂,类似公司里的组织架构图。下面佛老简单介绍一下,帮你理解天主教体系里的层级和各主要职位的英语名称。否则这类英语新闻就像天书一样看不明白。


Pope: 一般译作“教皇”,或“教宗”。天主教体系的最高领袖,base在梵蒂冈。现任教宗是Pope Francis (Born: 17 December 1936,age 82 years, Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Full name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio)。*出于众所周知的顾虑,本文不贴照片。

Cardinal: 一般译作“枢机”,标准着装是红衣红帽,所以又称“红衣主教”。由教皇指定。全世界共有178个红衣主教,其中美国13名.

Archbishop: 一般译作“大主教”或“总主教”,负责一个大区域的教会。美国有45个大主教。最近爆出丑闻的就是波士顿地区大主教。

Bishop: 一般译作“主教”。负责一个教区事务。

Priest: 一般译作“祭司”或“司铎”。协助bishop(主教)管理教会日常事务。

Deacon: 一般译作“执事”。协助priest处理教堂日常工作,再往上可升为priest.



1. diocese — 教区。上面说的bishop就是负责一个diocese,archbishop就是负责一个archdiocese.

2. clergy – 这个词是“神职人员”的统称。

3. cleric – 指神职人员中的某一个,a cleric is a member of the clergy.

4. prelate – 教会里的高级教士


VATICAN CITY—This week (Feb 21-24, 2019), 190 bishops and other prelates from around the world are gathering for a meeting on the protection of minors in the Catholic Church.
Called by
Pope Francis, the meeting is the first of its kind at the
Vatican, and a sign that the pope and the Church hierarchy are finally
acknowledging that
the sexual-abuse crisis has become a global issue—in
recent years, scandals have erupted in Australia, Chile, France,
Germany, Ireland, and the United States, and they show no signs of
abating.(摘自The Atlantic)
