第459期:Goody two shoes 绿茶婊

今天我们要讲的这个英语成语很有意思,有历史,有画面,有内涵:goody two shoes,佛老独家把它翻译成“绿茶婊”,可能稍微不太精确,但意思差不多。

A goody two shoes is a person who is overly well-behaved, someone who is smugly virtuous.

这是goody two shoes的一般解释。更准确的解释是:a goody two shoes is a person who always does everything right and
always follows the rules,
so much so that it becomes annoying. 关键在最后半句,so much so that it becomes annoying.

A person (almost always a female) who tries to be as good and “clean” as humanly possible.

Goody two shoes是一个名词,指一类人。这种人总是循规蹈矩,永远只做对的事,绝不越雷池一步。太正经、太正确了,以至于让身边的人都很烦。通常用来形容女性。

An example of a goody two shoes is a person who always sits in front,
waves her hand to answer every question in class and tattle tales on
people on the playground.

上面这句英文举了个例子,说goody two shoes这类人上课时永远坐在第一排,每个提问都举手回答问题,(再引申一点)作业永远按时交,从不迟到早退,只要看到有同学上课说话或做小动作或者逃课,她就向老师打小报告。

这样的人就叫goody two shoes,英汉字典上一般译作“假正经、自命清高的人“。

看到这里,大家应该知道了goody two shoes是个贬义词,通常含有讽刺的口气。这点需要注意。


I wonder how we can help Karen loosen up and be a little more
tolerant of common human flaws. She’s such a goody two shoes that all
the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date.



这个成语源自1765年出版的一本童话书:The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes(参见维基百科:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_History_of_Little_Goody_Two-Shoes)



但到了近代,人们的观念变了,goody two shoes这种人由于时时刻刻都保持一种“社会正确”(social correctness),身边的人反而都很反感这种人,所以就成了一个贬义词。


口语中常说的“乖乖女”英语可以说goodie goodie girl,这样一般是褒义,真的是说很乖很懂事的女孩,但往前一步就是深渊,googie googie girl也很容易变成人见人烦的goody two shoes.


Some girls are goody two shoes, some make you wish you were them and other are just plain bad.

Which type of girl do you think you are based on your very own personality?

这里很清楚,女孩分三大类:(1)goody two shoes; (2)someone you wish you were them; (3)just plain bad.

你看,goody two shoes不是坏女孩,只是“好“得让人烦的那种类型。
