
搞副业或兼职用英语怎么说呢?你可能想到了part-time,但part-time只是个形容词,一般说a part-time job 一份兼职(工作),指的是跟固定工作相对的临时的那种工作。今天我们要讲的是一个人除了本职工作,业余时间还打一份其他工,就是搞副业用英语怎么表达。


To moonlight is to work a second job, oftern after hours.

If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to their main job, often without informing their main employers or the tax office.



While he works mainly as a clerk, he moonlights as bartender to make enough to support his father. 他本质工作是公司职员,下班后在酒吧作服务员赚钱养活父亲。


还有一个词跟moonlight的意思相近,side job,名词,也是副业的意思。

假如你是个老师,假期或放学后在外面辅导班上课赚钱,这就是一个side job.

但需要注意的是:side job这个词在美国英语(俚语)中有少儿不宜的意思,大多跟性行为相关。所以佛老建议大家谨慎使用side job这个词。说到这里,顺便说一个佛老的独家观点:在美国英语中大多数情况下job这个词前面如果还有一个名词,基本都不是什么纯洁的意思。大家要注意。如果不确定,一定要查字典确认后再用。

可以说side hustle,这个词也是副业的意思。

A side hustle is any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s
full-time job. A side hustle is generally freelance or piecework in
nature, providing a supplemental income. Side hustles are often things a
person is passionate about, rather day a typical day job worked in
order to make ends meet.


Side hustle也是主业之外的副业的意思,但更多指你的兴趣所在,并不完全是为了赚钱。

小结一下,今天我们讲了三个词表示副业和兼职:moonlight(动词),side job, side hustle. 表示某人除了本职工作还打着其他工还有很多其他说法,简单地可以说 He is working 2 jobs. 他做着两份工。或者还可以说 He is having something on the side. 

最保险的两个说法是moonlight和side hustle,佛老不建议大家说side job.
