
You know what? — Like it or not, 今年的第二次水星逆转昨天开始了。


水星的英文是mercury. 这个词的本意是水银,在占星学(astrology)中就指水星这颗行星。retrograde是逆行、倒退的意思。





March 5 – 28, 2019 in water-sign Pisces
July 7 – 31, 2019 starts in fire-sign Leo, ends in water-sign Cancer
October 31 – November 20, 2019 in water-sign Scorpio



按照占星学(astrology)的理论,The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles. 水星主管通讯、旅行、合同、汽车等方面的事务。所以,水星逆转期间,这些领域的活动都会受到影响。

下面是一些Do’s and Don’ts,仅供参考:

What You Should – and Should Not – Do During a Mercury Retrograde Phase?

  • Don’t make any important moves when Mercury is retrograde.
  • Since Mercury rules the mail and the conveyance of information, be extra
    careful when sending important documents. If you send faxes, be sure to
    call the people at the other end to let them know your documents are
    waiting for them. Otherwise, they may never see it.
  • Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing computers to crash
    and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to show signs
    of wear, requiring urgent repair. Backup your computer in advance of
    any Mercury retrograde period.
  • Mercury also rules trade and commerce, so don’t buy or sell anything expensive during its retrograde phases.
  • Some people do not travel when Mercury is retrograde, and perhaps that might be wise if your trip is business-oriented.