第801期:Talk the talk, walk the walk, walk the talk

No, it’s not a tongue twister.




If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say. (Cambridge Dictionary)

这个解释很清楚,talk the talk 就是嘴上说的一套,walk the walk 就是实际上做的那一套,Act consistently with one’s claims. Follow through.

例如,你听到一个人吹牛说他跑一百米只需要9秒钟。你肯定不信,你说 walk the walk. 这时候的意思就是 Prove it. 用实际行动证明你刚才说的话。


You keep bragging that you can do the splits(劈叉), but I’ve never seen you do them before. How about you walk the walk instead of talking the talk?


  • If you’re going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk.
  • You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

后来,人们又嫌这样说太啰嗦了,就出现了一个简略的说法:walk the talk 意思就是 act on your speech; practice what you preach;大概可以翻译成汉语的“身体力行、言行一致”。

在Quora上看到一个小故事,讲的就是圣雄甘地 walk the talk的故事。大家随便看看,看完一笑就好了。

作者:Sid Kemp

Gandhi was older, he was famous all over India. People would line up
for hours just to ask his blessing or to ask him one question. He always
gave a wise, polite, and encouraging answer. One time, a mother brought
her child. She had waited hours.She asked Gandhi to tell her child to
stop eating sweets because they were ruining his teeth. Gandhi asked her
to come back in two weeks, and he would do it. Everyone was shocked –
he had never done anything like that before.

weeks later, the mother came back and Gandhi wagged his finger and said
to the little boy, “Stop eating sweets! They ruin your teeth.” The
woman thanked him and then said, “If I may ask, my dear Gandhi, why
didn’t you just say this two weeks ago.”

Gandhi smiled and answered, “Two weeks ago, I was still eating sweets!”


Talk the talk 是嘴上说的,walk the walk 是实际上做的,walk the talk 才是言行一致。