第1063期:用脚投票,用钱投票 – 你的脚出卖了你的内心


这句话有点意思,英文可以说 foot voting,或 vote with one’s feet,最早据说是列宁说的。

列宁在十月革命时期说沙俄士兵大量像布尔什维克军队投诚,因为“They voted with their feet,” regarding Russian soldiers deserting the army of the Tsar.


1976年,里根与时任总统Gerald Ford(福特总统)竞争共和党总统候选人。最终败选。福特总统在大选中最终败给了民主党候选人Jimmy Carter,里根在下一届击败卡特总统当选。

Reagan 提倡美国人自由流动、迁徙,不喜欢自己居住的地方,就搬去好的地方生活。President Reagan thinks that people should migrate, like birds. They can, he has often said, “vote with their feet.”

这句话听上去很美好,但后来福特总统专门针对里根的这句口号对他进行了批评,说所谓的鼓励人民用脚投票其实是一种政治煽动行为(political demgoguery),因为鼓动了人们通过迁徙来表达对联邦政府财政预算的不满。

福特认为 vote with their feet 这种话说起来轻松,但没有解决政府的财政问题。

“It is easy to say that people who don’t like the way programs are
administered in one state can just ‘vote with their feet.
I’ve always believed that Americans vote with their
heads, and not with their feet.”
— President Ford

对一个州的政策不满就“用脚投票”(指搬去其他州)这种话说起来容易,但我始终相信美国民众是用脑子投票的,不是用脚。- 福特总统(1976)


美国人除了喜欢说 foot voting,还喜欢说 dollar voting,意思是消费者通过实际购买行为来表达对某种商品的喜欢和不喜欢。简单说就是买什么东西的人多,就说明那种东西符合市场需求。

这是一个经济学原理:Products that consumers buy will tend to be produced in the future.
Products that do not sell as well as expected will receive fewer
productive resources in the future. 

不论是用脚投票(foot voting)还是用钱投票(dollar voting),都是民众自由意志的选择。判断一个国家民众的真实想法,不用看他嘴上说什么,只要看他做什么就对了。



Foot voting is expressing one’s preferences through one’s
actions, by voluntarily participating in or withdrawing from an
activity, group, or process; especially, physical migration to leave a
situation one does not like, or to move to a situation one regards as
more beneficial. (Wikipedia)