



于是富兰克林在书中感慨了一个人生道理:“When I see a merchant over-polite to his customers … thinks I, that man has an axe to grind.”

这就是我们今天要讲的英语成语:have an axe to grind,意思是别有用心,动机不纯,To have a personal motivation or selfish reason for saying or doing something.


I don’t have an ax to grind here —I just want to know the truth. 我没别的意思,我就是想了解真相。

Axe 前面也可以加别的形容词,例如:

He has no political axe to grind, he is just concerned about the state of affairs here. 他没有什么政治目的(野心),只是关心时事而已。

以后你想表达“我没别的意思”,“你别多想”这种意思时,别再说 I don’t have other meanings了,have no axe to grind 就是最地道的一个成语。

*佛老 注:

(1)ax 和 axe 两种拼写都对。

(2)have an axe to grind还有一层意思类似 have a bone to pick (with someone) 有事情要跟某人说道说道,有帐要算。这个以前讲过,参见旧文 – 第231期:bone to pick