第1132期:妈宝男和妻管严 – 剪不断的 apron strings


其实我在思考保洁阿姨问题的同时,还联想到过另一个现象和另一个有趣的英文单字——长不大的孩子,妈宝男,妻管严,他们有一个共同点:一辈子挣脱不了母亲/妻子的 apron strings. 


Apron 是围裙,strings就是带子,apron strings的字面意思是围裙带,这个词很容易被望文生义地误以为是“裙带关系”(nepotism),等一下再聊裙带关系。

英文中常用 someone is tied to his mother’s apron strings 来表示那种永远长不大,永远离不开母亲的妈宝男。

If you say that someone is tied to another person’s apron strings, you mean that they are controlled or influenced too much by the other person. (Collins Dictionary)

有趣的是,这个习惯用语中的围裙带不仅可以是 mother 的,也可以是 wife 的(适用于妻管严),也可以是其他人或机构的(听命于某人或机构)。


  • tied to one’s mother‘s apron strings
  • tied to one’s wife‘s apron strings
  • tied to someone‘s apron strings


Can he make a decision of his own, or is he going to stay tied to the president’s apron strings?


The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington’s apron strings.

文章一开头提到的“裙带关系”英文是 nepotism (favoritism granted to relatives),世界各国从古到今都有的一种人性和现象。

据说最早指的是天主教里的大主教们违规给自己的侄子和外甥安排教职和工作的不正之风。Nepo 就是拉丁语里 nephew 的意思。英语中这个词就是这样来的。



tied to one’s mother’s apron strings – meaning that a person who should be grown up is still subject to their mother’s dominance.