第1158期:我们成长路上的5个技能 – 5 skills for personal development

今天不讲单词,跟你分享 Jim Rohn 提出的人生成长(personal development)需要学会的五个关键技能。每个技能下摘录了一些Jim Rohn的话,之后是一小段佛老自己的感悟。与君共勉。

1. absorb 吸收

Most people are trying to get through the day. I’ve got a better objective for you. Learn to get from the day. Not just get through it, get from it. Soak it up. Each day is a piece of the mosaic of your life. Don’t waste any. Treat it with care. See how much you can get from a day – how much advice, how much information, how much color, how much sight and sound to add to your worth and your wealth and your equity of mind.



2. Respond 响应

Success is not just knowledge. Success is response to knowledge.

Success is not just experience. Success is emotion created from experience.

Responding to life means to let sad things make you sad, to let happy things make you happy, to let puzzling things puzzle you.

Let things that are difficult create difficulty for you. Respond.



3. Reflect 回顾

Take just a few minutes at the end of the day and go back over the day.

Find a place, if you can, to be alone, and just go back and think through the day.

Where have you been?

What did you see?

What did you hear?

What did you feel?

If you’ll just relive it, go back through it, I’m telling you it will add multiplied value to you.

Take a few hours at the end of the week, half a day at the end of the month, and a weekend at the end of the year.

Those are called times to reflect.

It’s to get more out of your past and invest it in your future.

When my father was about to turn 76, I said,”Dear father of mine, can you imagine how exciting it’s going to be to take the last 75 years of your life and invest them in your 76th?”

That’s an extraordinary thing to learn, how to take more of you and invest it in the next conversation, invest it in the next decision, invest it in the next activity.




4. Act 行动

Ten years from now you will surely arrive. The question, where?

Now is the time to fix the next 10 years.

Fix a better course.

The activity of learning, the activity of mind, health disciplines, wealth disciplines, culture disciplines, all values come from discipline.

Ideas put into disciplined activity create value.




5. Share 分享

Sharing is a unique human capacity.

There are many ways to share.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. If you have a full glass of water, can the glass hold any more water? The answer is yes, but only if I pour out what’s already in it. That’s what I’m asking you to do. If you’re full of ideas, if you’re full of good things, I’m asking you to pour them out. As you do, I promise you, more will be poured in.



Sharing makes you bigger than you are. 这是我最欣赏的 Jim Rohn 名言之一。

我们还没学会开心、放心地分享一切,只是因为我们还不够广大——We are not big enough.