第1647期:乌托邦 vs 恶托邦,人人都在寻找桃花源。

乌托邦(Utopia)是个美好的词,出自托马斯·摩尔(Sir Thomas More)1516年出版的一本书名。


A utopia typically describes an imaginary community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its members. (Wikipedia)


柏拉图的“理想国”(Plato “The Republic”)

古希腊神话的“黄金时代”(Ancient Greek mythology “The Golden Age”)

圣经中的伊甸园 (The Garden of Eden in the Bible)

陶渊明笔下的“桃花源”(Tao Yuanming’s “Peach Blossom Spring”)

中国古人幻想的“大同世界”(the world of universal harmony)

庄子在逍遥游里说的“无何有之乡”(Chuang-tzu’s “The land of nothingness”)


You, Sir, have a large tree and are troubled because it is of no use – why do you not plant it in a tract where there is nothing else, or in a wide and barren wild? There you might saunter idly by its side, or in the enjoyment of untroubled ease sleep beneath it.



乌托邦有以下几个特征(Characteristics of a Utopian Society)

● Information, independent thought, and freedom are promoted.

● A figurehead or concept brings the citizens of the society together, but not treated as singular.

● Citizens are truly free to think independently.

● Citizens have no fear of the outside world.

● Citizens live in a harmonious state.

● The natural world is embraced and revered.

● Citizens embrace social and moral ideals. Individuality and innovation are welcomed.

The society evolves with change to make a perfect utopian world.


然而现实从来都是冰冷的,如果说人类命运的一头是乌托邦,另一头的极端状态就是最不好的世界,英文叫做 dystopia,这个词有很多汉译名字,一般译作“反乌托邦”,我更欣赏的译名是“恶托邦”。

恶托邦有以下几个特征(Characteristics of a Dystopian Society)

● Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.

● Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.

● A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.

● Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.

● Citizens have a fear of the outside world.

● Citizens live in a dehumanized state.

● The natural world is banished and distrusted.

● Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent are bad.

The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.


有很多被称为“反乌托邦小说”的文学作品,最著名的大概要算佛老的最爱 “1984” by George Orwell了。


The Time Machine (1895) by H. G. Wells

Pictures of the Socialistic Future (1891) by Eugen Richter

The Trial (1925) by Franz Kafka

Invitation to a Beheading (1938) by Vladimir Nabokov

Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley

The Moon Is Down (1942) by John Steinbeck

Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell

The Stand (1978) by Stephen King

The Dark Beyond the Stars (1991) by Frank M. Robinson

